Thursday, September 24, 2009


Its been a busy couple of weeks what with trips and pals and even nuptials (not mine thank God)

I think I MAY be getting the hang of this LA business. I just avoid the parts of this town that make me want to vom and I am fine! Met up with some old friends in Echo Park the other day.

This is Donahl. I have known him since I was 18.

Don't judge him for wearing his sunglasses on his neck at night. He is good people.

Hailey (Hayley? Haleigh?) and I had a lengthy discussion about Lil Wayne and Rihanna (respectively). She is rad and even invited me to go roller skating the next night!

Then I was in Seattle for a wedding, which was super fun despite the rainy grays. I didn't take any photos but it was definitely nice to catch up with peeps I hadn't seen since tour. And everyone cleaned up real nice. Reno was my surrogate date as his girlfriend couldn't make it. I am so glad he was there. I would have felt even more blaringly single without his company.

The next day we went to the Museum of Flight.


This is the M-21. It was built in the early 60's and is so dynamic and fast that most of the information about its capabilities remains classified to this day.

You can't tell from my shitty photos but its all black and Batman-esque and HUMONGOUS!

Reno rescuing a rogue satellite



The museum preferred cardboard cut outs to mannequins which is JUST fine with me. Thems creepy.

It was a super fun day and a really cool museum. Big ups to Reno for driving my ass around. Now I think I may try and sit still for a few weeks.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rocky Mountain Hi

I was in Boulder for 5 minutes last week. I am very sorry to those of you I didn't get to see. It was a whirlwind of work and play and altitude headaches!

Got to see what appears to be a very somber Lou Perka. Perhaps he just misses having me around for side kick purposes. Or it was just all of those tequila shots....

The illustrious Sarah D.
She was the hostess with the mostest!

B. Cobb! Pretty much the most adorable bartender in Boulder. Also if you ever want to know about the newest and best music, books or documentaries, he is your man. Plus he is SUPER tall.

I don't know this guy but Sarah and I liked his steez. Hankerchief headbands on a Thursday night in Boulder are actually fairly common, but this guy seemed really committed. I didn't look, but I am sure he was wearing mandals of some sort.

The Gyro cart! They are open late and have THE best food in the world.


I don't even want to speculate as to what makes their hot dogs taste so good. This place is the Taco Bell of my 30's.

Made it to the first day of the Monolith Festival at Red Rocks. Again I took zero photos of the place except this one. This is Girl Talk surrounded by dancey fans. I thought I would hate him but ended up liking his set.
Confetti and a Journey mash up? Yes please.

I got to see Zinker, Jesse Q. and Christina, which was awesome even if they were busy with work. I need to create some sort of private island retreat that people who tour can go to to unwind when they are off the road. That way I could catch up with them properly. Naturally it would be clothing optional. Any investors interested?

Also file this one under late in the game once again, but I saw this with Sarah late night and thought it so hilarious I made her play it twice. Double Dutch. Jump rope with your innards.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And someone else instead of me always seems to know the way

This one is a tribute to my bestie, Cara. She deserves some blog space. 'Cause she is pretty great. I just thought I would let you all know. 

I tend to be more times than not rattled about one thing or another. And she is just so. fucking. calm. She has been my best friend since we were 15. We met on the first day of high school in an awfully cliche manner. I thought she was so cool. She had awesome big hair and always lots of frosty lip gloss. 

In all of the years I have known her, I think I can count on one hand the number of times that she has been genuinely worked up. She is neither unreasonable nor pushy and she seems to have been born with the ability to process difficult lessons in a way that is completely composed and frankly, totally foreign to me. Its like she is made of teflon or something. 

Its real mushy, but I think I realize as I get older how important it is to have friends that know you inside and out. And STILL like you! I have always maintained that even though I don't want to get married, I would indeed enter into holy matrimony with any man who likes me as much as she does.

So one other thing, she wrote a small piece about visiting Keats' house in Rome for a new website called Trazzler (same dudes who started Twitter). She is a semi-finalist and if enough people wish list her trip, she could win a trip to NYC and $10,000. That would make her very happy, and believe you me, she is incredibly self-less so she really deserves it. PLEASE HELP HER OUT BY VOTING! 

Here is what you do:
Go to
1) Select "Sign in or sign up" from the top right corner
2) Select "No Facebook account? Sign up" (also on the right)
3) Create a username and password
4) Find my entry. The easiest way to do this is to look under "Your Browsing Mode" in the right column. At the bottom of the box, there's a search window that says "trip search." Put in a few words of my title:Communing with Keats over the Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy.
5) Add to your wishlist

She just came out here for a visit, which was rad. We are both tight on the benjamins right now, so it wasn't really a crazy, jam packed time. Just a lot of chilling and drinking of wine. Plus its been so gross near my house because of the big fire that you aren't really supposed to be outside anyway. 

We did get our hands on the best board game ever though. 





We had a good laugh, but really these are the types of guys that would have made me feel funny "down there" in 1989 for sure.