Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday well spent

So I just had a WTF moment.

Are Gene Simmons and Steven Seagal treated by the same terrible hair loss doctor who somehow convinced them that covering their bald spots with old stuffed animal fur makes them look younger and more attractive?

For reals. I think men who try and cover up hair loss look much sillier than those who embrace it. In fact I kind of dig dudes with a receding hair line (Hello? Eric Bachmann). So yeah.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thank you for being a friend

We did an early Thanksgiving in San Diego. It was a lovely day at my Uncles Steve and Hector's house.

LJ loves to suck on lemons. The facial expressions as you can imagine are hilarious, but she never sits still long enough to document them.


My sissy Rohanna making the gravy. I got real bossy about the recipe even though I wasn't actually making it. Typical. She actually did the majority of the cooking and did an amazing job. She somehow inherited a cooking gene that I don't have. Good thing she is the one with the kid.



Thats my dad on the right. He is a good guy. LJ calls him Papi.


He is kind of making a weird face here but total samesies on the eyes don't you think?


This is Hector. He is my uncle in law and is pretty much in my top 5, personality wise. Everyone loves him. Here he is trying to get LJ to dance. She is too busy sucking on aforementioned lemons.


Seriously, it went on for hours.


Steve and Hector got her this dog that laughed and rolled around. She spent the better part of the afternoon kicking it.




PS, LJ loved that she was surrounded by men. She was commanding the room! Clockwise is John, Juan-Carlos, Papi, Ori, Karl and my Uncle Steve, who I don't think cares for being photographed even though he is gorgeous. He was an actor for many years and was in "Robocop". Top that!


Right after this photo my dad turned into a cliche and fell asleep on the couch for an hour. Snoring and all.


We had the most fun and were in such great company. I was truly thankful.

OK and one more of LJ because I never get photos of her actually smiling.


Hope you all had a nice holiday!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fight Club

I have always had an appreciation for new and different experiences. In the case of this weekend it was being the only girl watching a boxing match on pay per view with 15 dudes. I would have taken photos of the Brodeo, but it seemed a bit like I had stumbled on a secret man ritual and snapping a lot of photos I think would have spooked the curious creatures.

It was actually super interesting and exciting. There was betting and beers and the match itself was a spectacle of bright lights and furious little men. Here is the winner of the fight, Manny Pacquiao. It wasn't totally one sided, but he pretty much dominated over his opponent, Miguel Cotto.



Manny looks a little worse for the wear, but you should have seen the other guy. His face looked like hamburger meat!

This car was parked in front of my friend Kelly's house.


Classy as fuck and a total copyright infringement.


We spent the afternoon eating Pho and watching a truly shitty movie. I am sure most of you figured this out, but you can skip "The Boy in Striped Pajamas".

We counteracted its lame-ness, by Google Image-ing "Treehouse". Hours of fun.

So yes, as you can see, I am deep in the process of changing the world for the better and accomplishing great things.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fall back

I actually didn't do anything for Halloween this year. I could have, but after driving around all day I basically just decided to settle in with some wine and edited for television versions of scary movies.

LJ was a pumpkin. Isn't she though?


Here she is again trying to make sense of one of her nana's many crazy hats. There are a lot of them....

Also things like this happen in LA all of the time. Right before Halloween my friend Amy and I were sitting in a bar when a legion of ninjas stormed the place and started climbing on things. It was rad. They were all totally committed.

Then a few days later, these kids were in town. Jesse and Will!

And Ms Moon!

They were staying at the Roosevelt which despite being located on the douchiest street in the world is actually pretty cool.
Or maybe they are trying too hard?

I finally have a job sort of. Its something to do but I am still seeking the next great career move. I better get busy...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Black and white makes everything better

Who doesn't love a photo booth? People who are dead inside. That's who.

Don't the three of us look a comedy troupe? Justin said that the punch in the face bit is always relevant and hilarious.... You be the judge.

It kind of reminds me of that part in "Knocked Up" when Seth Rogen's friends are watching him dance with Katherine Heigl and one says to the other "Dude I think he's doing the dice thing too much" and the other replies "Its really all he's got".


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Its just nice to have you back again

SO despite my lack of funds (I NEED A JOB if you know of anything. But then again, who doesn't need one these days) I made it to San Francisco for Treasure Island Festival. Its always fun to hang out with peeps. Good times were had by all. AND they had a Ferris Wheel!

This is Belinda. She is another hostess with the mostest. Top this - she saw that there was a parking spot in front of her building so parked there until I arrived so that I wouldn't have to look for a place in the always hectic Mission! SO RAD!


Got to hang out with these monkeys too! I have known them both since birth and am astounded by how tall and grown up they are getting. This is a pretty typical shot of them.


There is an ongoing joke that this little one is actually my child since we look a bit alike. Her parents both have dark hair and brown eyes!


Julie took us on a dusky go cart ride. It was fun even though L made me sit in the back.


She is getting super good at making dramatic faces for photos


The Ferris Wheel was magical


I think this guy's name was Aaron. He hitched a ride in our car on the ferris wheel.


I asked him what happened to his finger and he said he cut it on some razor wire trying to scale a fence to board an unmarked Naval Ship in Hunter's Point. He is either totally full of shit, or my hero. I couldn't decide.
He also told me he was a bit accident prone in general (der!). I told him he probably shouldn't be going on such dangerous missions if this were the case, but he disagreed.

Joanie! She rules and is mother to aforementioned monkeys.


You may want to cool it on the free beer, killer.

Justin had the hiccups on the way home and was slurry and hilarious. He asked if a song that came on the radio was Rick Astley. It was Rick James.

Brian. He is a tall-ey


See what I mean about the free beer? Its ok really because Matt is only 24 so he is still within socially acceptable binge drinking age range.




So this was the "light show" during MGMT's set. Looks semi-pro right?


It turns out it was two girls with gels, stencils and an overhead projector! Hilarious!


It seemed like a whole lot of work for unfortunately not very cool effects. Belinda speculated on how much one gets paid for such a service. Hard to tell.

The Flaming Lips closed the festival. And I have to say that despite all of the regular elements of their set (confetti, bright lights and people in animal costumes) it was pretty tame and kind of boring. But I will say that Flaming Lips boring is still akin to the most exciting set ever for some bands. So there you go.


The next day I drove down the coast and stopped in Big Sur for lunch with Lucas and Lexi! It ended up being an all afternoon thing but it was super fun to catch up with them.

Lucas grows a good beard.

If you ever find yourself in that area, you would be hard pressed to find a better way to spend your afternoon than at the restaurant Nepenthe. Even if its terribly foggy.


Highway 1 is an excellent adventure even though it kind of gets to be a bummer that you travel a mere 30 miles in an hour due to the twisty narrow roads. My goal is to take more time to explore all of the little beach towns along the way!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Drop it low

Check out Donahl's sweet ride




We walked by it and I didn't believe him at first when he said it was his car. I made him drive me a block to my car so I could catch a ride in it.


Any car that can fit 3 full grown adults in the front seat is A OK with me.